Chord Analysis Process for ANY Guitar Chord (using Lenny Breau fingerstyle jazz piece)

chords fretboard mapping jazz guitar music theory online courses Sep 10, 2024

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In this video, I explain how you can find the name of any chord using my chord analysis checklist.




🔗 Links & Lessons Mentioned

🎸 Rootless chords
🎸 Chord theory series
🎸 Shell voicings
🎸 Functional harmony
🎸 When is a note a chord extension?


💬 Lesson Description

This is a chord analysis lesson for guitarists.

How often do you play a chord shape that you don't know the name of?

Do you wonder why chords have the names they do?

In this video, I show you my chord analysis checklist from my course called Chords on Command.

With some simple theory principles, you'll be able to accurately name any chord you come across.

I hope you enjoy this lesson about chord analysis and find it beneficial.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared




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