EASY Quartal Harmony Comping on “So What” by Miles Davis (Modal Jazz Chords)

chords free download: printable parent scales fretboard mapping improvisation jazz comping jazz guitar jazz standards rhythm guitar Jul 23, 2024

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In this video I explain quartal harmony and how to comp with it.


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💬 Lesson Description

We’re used to seeing chords built of thirds, like C major, F major, and G7.

However, we can also build chords of fourths, which belong to what we call “quartal harmony.”

Quartal harmony sounds distinctly different, and can be used in modal jazz.

In this video, I explain how you can comp over the tune "So What" by Miles Davis with quartal harmony.

We can get a tasty and melodic sound just by moving around one physical chord shape!

Other instruments don't get to do that.

Plus, the method is accessible and really fun!

I hope you enjoy this lesson about quartal harmony and find it beneficial.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared


🎸 FREE PDF: Download the most important scale diagrams for guitar

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