How to Harmonize Melodies on Guitar with Chords 1, 4, 5 (I, IV, V)

chord melodies chords free download: chords with color music theory songwriting / composing Dec 07, 2022

In this video I show how to harmonize melodies on guitar with chords 1, 4, 5.
๐ŸŽธ Get my FREE amazing chord options chart called ‘Chords with Color’

โฑ Video Content Outline for this Lesson on How to Harmonize Melodies

0:00 - About this lesson
0:55 - Why are chords 1 4 5 special?
1:37 - Brahms' Lullaby
2:49 - Playing the scale and harmonizing each note
5:09 - Harmonizing one note with different chords
6:17 - Scale harmonization demonstration
7:23 - Getting in touch with music as a language
8:00 - FREE PDF: Chords with Color

๐Ÿ”— Links & Lessons Mentioned in This Video on Chords 1, 4, & 5

๐ŸŽธ Get my FREE amazing chord options chart called ‘Chords with Color’
๐ŸŽธ WATCH THIS NEXT: Guitar Chord Chart PDF Walkthrough

๐Ÿ’ฌ Lesson Description for This Video on How to Harmonize Melodies

People often make fun of three-chord songs, but some of the most well-known and timeless pieces of music only use chords 1, 4, & 5 - also referred to as I, IV, and V (the three major chords of a key).

In this simple video I walk through a delightful harmonization etude that maps out how every note in the major scale can be supported by either of the chords 1, 4 , or 5.

And it sounds beautiful :)

If you've ever wondered how to harmonize melodies with the right chords then definitely check this one out.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson about how to harmonize melodies with chords 1, 4, & 5.

Let me know what you thought in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared

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๐ŸŽธ Get my FREE amazing chord options chart called ‘Chords with Color’


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