Jazz Scales for Every Chord Type (ULTIMATE GUIDE)

free download: printable parent scales improvisation jazz guitar lead guitar music theory scales Jun 18, 2024

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This video is the ultimate guide for which jazz scales you can use over every chord type.


🎸 FREE PDF: Download the most important scale diagrams for guitar


🔗 Links & Lessons Mentioned

🎸 Playing chord tones over any chord type
🎸 Series on playing scales through changes
🎸 Whole-tone scale video
🎸 Altered scale video
🎸 Chords through harmonic minor
🎸 Diminished scale video
🎸 Chords through melodic minor
🎸 FREE PDF: Download the most important scale diagrams for guitar


💬 Lesson Description

There are so many jazz scales and chord types.

How are we ever going to figure out what scales work over what chords?

This video is the ultimate guide for which jazz scales you can use over every chord type.

In the lesson, I give you a go-to answer for all the chord types, including their variations and extensions.

This is very valuable information.

I also demonstrate the jazz scales for each chord type in a different tune, so we hear them in a musical context.

I hope you enjoy this lesson and find it beneficial.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Thanks! :)

- Jared


🎸 FREE PDF: Download the most important scale diagrams for guitar

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