The Importance of NON-Chord Tones (and how to use them)

free download: chord tone arpeggio pack music theory Apr 23, 2024

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In this video, I explain the different types of non-chord tones and how to use them.


๐ŸŽธ FREE Arpeggio Shapes Pack for targeting chord tones when soloing


๐Ÿ•› Video Content Outline

0:00 - About non-chord tones
2:36 - Passing tone
3:49 - Neighbor tone
4:21 - Appoggiatura
4:54 - Escape tone
5:50 - Anticipation
6:18 - Suspension
7:56 - Retardation
8:46 - Song examples
13:17 - Arpeggio shapes (FREE PDF)


๐Ÿ”— Links & Lessons Mentioned

๐ŸŽธ Chord tone improv series
๐ŸŽธ Beginner guitar course
๐ŸŽธ FREE Arpeggio Shapes Pack for targeting chord tones when soloing


๐Ÿ’ฌ Lesson Description

After we understand the importance of chord tones, the next step is to understand how we can use non-chord tones.
In this lesson, I walk through the official terms for non-chord tones in classical music theory analysis.
In classical composition classes, non-chord tones are referred to with these specific names.
I give examples of a few well known songs, along with sheet music for us to see which melody notes are non-chord tones.
I hope you enjoy this lesson about non-chord tones and find it beneficial.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thanks! :)
- Jared


๐ŸŽธ FREE Arpeggio Shapes Pack for targeting chord tones when soloing


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